That is my total so far for the week. I took Wednesday off since it rained almost all day and then took out the road bike today. I rode form my house up the big Kensington Hill, then around the GM proving grounds. We kept on riding through Milford and out through Wixom. We ended up back at ILRA where I did 3 laps since Kensington has road constuction. The ride was good. The pace was 17.8 avg with my mom, but it was okay since my legs are sore from the previous days of riding. ONce we hit ILRA, I split off and tried to raise my heartrate. After the first loop, I was able to comfortably hold it in the 160's without my legs burning too bad. I ended the ride with 76.2 miles and picked my average speed back up to 19mph. I was averageing above 20mph on the last 44 miles, so I am happy with the progress. I am heading off to Stoney Creek tommorrow to go ride the trails and then I will either ride Saturday and take Sunday off and get one last hard ride in on Monday before I wind down and recover for the race. Word on the trail is that Chris Eatough-the 6 time 24H solo NAtional Champion from Trek/VW is coming. Should be fun to see him the first 10ft!!!
Here are a couple pics from the race.

1 comment:
hey man well I'm kinda back on the internet well for the weekend atleast. check out my blog. got lots of pix from Sugar mtn nationals and this weekend I'm in Vermont for Mt. snow nationals. you doing lumberjack?
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