Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Rippin' the Skinny Skis

With the 6"+ of fresh powder that accumulated on Sunday, I have said good-bye bike and hello skis. Sunday was some fun nordic through Proud Lake with high winds and large snow drifts. Today I opted for an adventure out at Kensington. When you ride through places, you notice trails and options that may make for some fun in the future. If you can believe it, I have actually never layed knobbies on the trails I skiied today, even though I ride past them all the time. 2hrs with the sun shining made a great way to start my break between semesters.

Duel purpose gloves

How often do we see our shadow in MI winter?

Snow covered pines line the trail

A part of the Huron River that was flowing at a good clip

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