Thursday, June 22, 2006

Down Week

After the Lumberjack, I am just chillin out and resting. As they say, "ride hard, rest harder." I rode an easy 30 miles on Tuesday from home to ILRA and did a lap with the group before coming back home. It poured rain almost all day yesterday, so I got organized and did some stuff around the house. I rode this morning for another easy 25 miles on the roadbike. Just doing some light spinning to try and get my legs refreshed. I will be packing up tonight and leaving in the morning for a trip back up to Manistee fore the weekend. I will be riding the North Country Trail, Big M-Lumberjack Loop, and hanging out on the beach playing some frizbee. It will be with a group, so I should be able to just enjoy it without straining my legs too much. Looking foreward to next week, I am thinking about doing the Monday NIght ride and then judging how my legs feel. If they feel good, I will keep on riding, but if not, I will need to recover. Boyne Marathon is in 2 weeks, so I need to be fresh for that. No more of the having fun at Endurance races, and then not recovering enough before the local XC races.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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