Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving Weekend

The past 4 Thanksgivings, I've spent time in different areas and different climates.  2008 was a few days in Denver where it snowed and I raced an incredibly snowy cyclocross course.  The next day, 4 of us crammed in a car for 6hrs to drive home during a snowstorm that dropped 17".  2009 was a riding trip down to St George and Hurricane, Utah with warm temps and a T-Day dinner at Cracker Barrel, followed by a Mormon holiday light show that left much more to be desired.  Last year saw bitter temps in the Grand Valley where I stayed and froze my cheeks off.

With a few days of 60 degree weather this Thanksgiving, I drove the hour and a half down to Moab, UT for a few days or riding, camping, and getting away from everything.  Flying solo, I was able to explore some trails, get in some long rides, work on the tan lines, and meet some cool people from around the country.  Not a bad couple days.

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