Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Good Times Riding

I got out on Sunday morning for a ride, hit the gym and skated on Monday, and was able to get some more spinning in yesterday. The rides were pretty similar, but some changes.
2 hrs--------------------3hrs
snow covered roads-----snow-ice roads/bare white salt colored roads
ride on road------------road and snow covered trails
fixie--------------------fixie, and I cleared ILRA b/y without brakes
22F, 9W/C------------25F, 14 W/C

This cold weather riding is not bothering me at all. It is actually quite enjoyable when the entire body is warm. I am going to the gym again today, do some core workout with pilates afterward, then a nice 1hr spin with speed skills. Looks like tommorrow will be a high of 24F and really windy. Looks like I'll have to bundle up again for another 2.5-3hr ride.

Get off that trainer and gert outside!

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